Social Accounts: No Facebook Page
I received an error that said I didn't have a Facebook Page.
This error will occur when:
You have not created a Facebook Page for your business.
The Facebook Account you logged into is not an Admin to your business's Facebook Page.
Alkai cannot publish posts to a personal Facebook Account only Facebook Business Pages. Scroll to the end of this article for more information on the difference between a Facebook Account and a Facebook Business Page.
How do I create a Business Page?
If you do not have a Business Page on Facebook, follow these steps to create one. Once completed, you can connect your Facebook Page with Alkai.
Log into Facebook.
Click the User Menu icon that has an image of your profile picture in the top right (desktop) or bottom left (mobile App) of the screen.
Select the option to See all profiles and then click the option to Create new profile or Page.
Choose the option to Create a Public Page.
The active profile (blue checkmark) must be your personal Facebook Account in order to add a new page. So make sure this is selected otherwise you will not see the option to Create new profile or Page.

How do verify my Facebook Account is associated to my Facebook Business Page?
You can quickly verify that your Facebook Account is associated to your Business Page by clicking on the User Menu. You should see the Business Page in the list of profiles after opening the User Menu.
Log into Facebook.
In the top right (desktop) or bottom right (mobile app) you'll see a circle that has your profile picture, click this Menu to view your account profile and associated pages.
You can view all the Pages associated to your account by selecting See all profiles.

How do I verify my Facebook Account is an Admin of my Facebook Business Page?
To view your Page access on Facebook:
Log into Facebook, then click your profile photo in the top right.
Click See all profiles, then select the Page you want to switch into.
Click your Page's profile picture in the top right to go to your Page.
Click Settings & privacy, then click Settings.
Click Page setup, then click Page access.
Confirm you're listed under "People with Facebook access." More information is available this Meta's help article.
What's the difference between a Facebook Account and a Page?
Facebook Account (Personal Profile)
A Facebook Account is your personal profile. It represents you as an individual.
It’s used for connecting with friends, family, and people you know personally.
Think of it like your personal ID card for using Facebook.
Facebook Page (Business or Public Profile)
A Facebook Page is created for a business, brand, organization, or public figure.
It's designed to interact with an audience of followers (not friends).
Pages are public by default, so anyone can see the content you share.
Think of it like a public storefront or billboard for your brand or business on Facebook.
Updated on: 15/01/2025
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